Distributed Computing with Apache Mesos

Abhay Agarwal

Michael Jin

Tamar Ben-Shachar

Sunil Shah

Why are distributed systems hard?

Why are distributed systems hard?

Things fail, all the time!

Why are distributed systems hard?

They're BIG.

Why are distributed systems hard?

There's a lot of moving pieces.


PageRank on Mesos

Build Me a Framework

Mesos is a

  • Cluster Resource Manager
  • Task Scheduler
Request model 2-level model

Mesos is...

A top-level Apache project

A cluster resource negotiator

Scalable to 10,000s of nodes

Fault-tolerant, battle-tested

An SDK for distributed apps

Why use Mesos for my next distributed system?

Task distribution, launching, monitoring,
failure detection, killing, and cleanup
Resource isolation with containers
Messaging between tasks
Distributed state

What is Mesos good for?

Fault tolerance

Fault Tolerance

Task Failure :(

Fault Tolerance

Local Agent Failure :(

Fault Tolerance

Host or Network Failure :(

Fault Tolerance

Mesos Master Failure :(

Fault Tolerance

Scheduler Failure :(

What is Mesos good for?

Long running services & batch jobs / analytics workloads

What is Mesos good for?


What is Mesos good for?

Drastically increasing utilisation


PageRank on Mesos

Build Me a Framework

Provision a cluster at google.mesosphere.com

Connect to the master node

 ssh jclouds@$master_ip 

Download and inspect our convenience script

wget http://downloads.mesosphere.io/tutorials/spark_demo.sh
nano spark_demo.sh

Run it, saving results to a file

./spark_demo.sh > results.txt

As the job runs, Spark will print out details about what it’s doing

While the job is running, the Spark Web UI can be seen at http://$master_ip:4040 (note you must connect to the VPN)

While the job is running, the Spark Web UI can be seen at http://$master_ip:4040 (note you must connect to the VPN)

When the job is complete, the PageRank results can be viewed

nano results.txt


PageRank on Mesos

Build Me a Framework


RENDLER example framework: github.com/mesosphere/RENDLER

ANAGRAMMER example framework: github.com/mesosphere/ANAGRAMMER

Building production frameworks for Mesos: mesosphere.github.io/presentations/production-frameworks/#/


Come and talk to us

P.S., we're hiring!

This presentation: mesosphere.github.com/presentations/hackers-at-berkeley-2015

Mesos paper: cs.berkeley.edu/~alig/papers/mesos.pdf

Try out Mesosphere on GCE: google.mesosphere.com

Come work with us: mesosphere.io/jobs